利来w66-w66利来 > 学者介绍 > 骨干人才 > 研究员 > 2015年 > 冮树革


 冮树革, 男,1969年出生,辽宁沈阳人,现为北京市社会科学院社会学所副所长、北京市社会科学院妇女研究中心主任、研究员、北京市社会科学院学术委员会委员,兼任全国工商联宣传培训和利来w66的文化建设委员会委员、中国人力资源开发研究会女性人才研究会常务理事、北京市妇女理论研究会副会长、北京市人民政协理论与实践研究会理事、北京市妇女对外交流协会常务理事(副会长)、北京市工商联参政议政委员会委员、欧美同学会会员、欧洲中国农业农村发展大会会员等。2010年入选国家新世纪百千万人才工程北京市级人选。






(3)2000.5—2006.3, 在辽宁社会科学院社会学所工作,社会调查研究室主任、副研究员;









(8)2014年5月8日在瑞典哥德堡大学社会工作系参加由该系举办的主题为“儿童、家庭、救助和福利——中国与瑞典的社会工作研讨会”暨“《中国社会工作期刊》出版专题学术研讨会”, 就《中国与瑞典社会救助的比较》进行了英文专题学术演讲。


(3) bjorn gustafsson著/冮树革(译):《瑞典的社会救助制度》发表在上海社会科学院主办的《国外社会科学前沿》(第9辑),中国社会救助网、社会学吧、ido社区第三媒体、北斗星社区等网站全文转载。






    (1) "social origins and political participation of private entrepreneurs in beijing",(co-authored paper), fudan journal of the  humanities and social sciences,2007.

   (2)"social change in rural china and the emergence of chinese farmers' modernity", conference paper for the 8th ecardc, aug 31-sep 2, 2006. 

  (3)"the comparison of   social assistance in china and sweden",(co-authored paper), china journal of social work, 2013.12.

  (4)"charitable donation by china’s private enterprises”,(co-authored paper),iza dp no.10127, august 2016.


brief introduction in english    

name: gang shuge

nationality: chinese

gender: male

professional title: professor

address (office): beijing academy of social sciences.

no.33, beisihuan zhonglu, chaoyang district, beijing, china 100101.


1.research interest
 social policy, social assistance, private entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurship

2.language and computer skill

chinese is my mother tongue; english is my foreign language, excellent. i can use spss to do some quantitative research.


professor in sociology and the deputy director of institute of sociology at beijing academy of social  sciences, director of centre for women's studies at beijing academy of social sciences,member of academic committee of beijing academy of social sciences, member of the committee on propaganda, training and enterprise culture construction of all-china’s federation of industry and commerce,vice president of beijing women's theory research association,council member of beijing women's foreign exchange association, member of committee for political participation and deliberation at beijing federation of industry and commerce,member of western returned scholars association, member of international conference on agricultural and rural development of china.

4. working experience

working experience in china

(1)1992-1995, assistant researcher in the institute of sociology at liaoning academy of social sciences.

(2)1996-1999, editor and director of chief editor’s office of the editorial board of social science journal sponsored by liaoning academy of social sciences.

(3)2000-2003, associate professor in sociology at liaoning academy of social sciences.

(4)2006-2015,associate professor in sociology at beijing academy of social sciences.

(5)2016-nowadays, professor in sociology at beijing academy of social sciences.

 working experience abroad

(1)2004.1-2005.1, i studied and did research on swedish welfare state in the university of goteborg  as a visiting scholar sponsored by china scholarship council.

(2)2008.7-2008.8, i did some research on entrepreneurship and social policy in hong kong as a visiting scholar in the chinese university of hong kong.

(3)2009.2-2009.3, i did research on the income of private business owners in the department of social work at the university of gothenburg in sweden as a visiting scholar.

(4)2010.7-2010.8, i did research on german chinese study in the department of sinology at julius-maximilians-universität würzburg as a visiting scholar.

(5)2011.4-2011.5, i did research on private donation in the department of social work at the university of gothenburg in sweden as a visiting scholar.

(6)2013.4-2011.5, i did research on german social policy in the department of sinology at julius-maximilians-universität würzburg in germany as a visiting scholar.

 5. presided research projects in recent years

(1)the current situation of the private business owners and its developmental trends in  the process of social change sponsored by the fund for the selected returned-overseas scholars in science and technology in beijing,2007.

(2)the study for the social protect system for the social vulnerable groups in urban beijing funded by beijing academy of social sciences as the key research project, 2007.

(3 the study for the social security system in the backdrop of per capita cdp 10000 us dollar in beijing funded by beijing municipal commission of development and reform, 2008.

(4)a comparative study on the social policy domestic and abroad in the backdrop of  the global financial crisis funded by beijing municipal commission of development and reform, 2010.

(5)the study on humanistic beijing and social construction sponsored by the fund for the selected returned-overseas scholars in science and technology in beijing, 2010.

(6)the study of income distribution and social policy in beijing funded by beijing municipal commission of development and reform, 2011.

 6. some research achievements

 6.1. books in chinese

(1)gang shuge(as the executive chief editor): "qing lan  collected works",liaohai press,1999.
(2)gang shuge, "humanistic beijing and social development", the publishing house of  the intellectual property rights.2012.1.

  6.2. papers and reports in english

(1)björn alpermann and gang shuge,"social origins and political participation of private entrepreneurs in beijing", fudan journal of the  humanities and social sciences,2007.

(2)björn gustafsson and gang shuge, “income of china’s private business owners”, 2011, research paper.

 (3)gang shuge, "social change in rural china and the emergence of chinese farmers' modernity", conference paper for the 4th international    symposium on agricultural modernization and 8th european conference on agriculture and rural development in china, yiwu,zhejiang   province, china. august 31-september 2, 2006.

(4)björn gustafsson and gang shuge, "donations of private entrepreneurs in china", research paper, 2012.

(5)bjorn gustafsson and gang shuge, "the comparison of  social assistance in china and sweden",china journal of social work, 2013.12.

(6)gang shuge,formulation and adjustment of social assistance standard, assessment report and policy recommendation report, eu-china social protection reform project,2016.

(7)gang shuge,monitoring and evaluation of social assistance, assessment report and policy recommendation report, eu-china social protection reform project 2017.

(8)gang shuge, policy publicity and information dissemination of social assistance policies, assessment report and policy recommendation report, eu-china social protection reform project,2018

 6.3. some papers and reports in chinese in recent years

(1)gang shuge and björn gustafsson, "international experience and the future development of  social assistance in china”, comparative economic and social systems, 2007.   

(2)dai jianzhong and gang shuge, etc."data and analysis: the seventh sampling survey on private enterprise in china in 2006”, chapter7, the large-scale survey on private enterprises in china, publishing house of all china's federation of industries and commerce (acfic), 2007.

 (3)gang shuge, "a report on the present situation of beijing private entrepreneurs", the social development report of china's capital (2007), social sciences academic press(china).

 (4)gang shuge,"social assistance in sweden", the latest studies of social sciences of foreign countries, shanghai academy of social sciences press,2006.( translated text)

 (5)gang shuge, "the global financial crisis and its impact on the private economy in beijing" research paper, 2009.

(6)gang shuge and björn alpermann,"the current transformation and future development prospects of china studies research in germany”. social science abroad, 2012.2

(7)gang shuge, "the present situation of income difference in beijing and its social policy ", research paper, 2012.2

 (8)gang shuge, "the social change of german mode of welfare state and the development of social policy", research paper, 2013.

  (9) gang shuge, "the stratum of private business owners: social group affecting the contemporary china and its  future development”,special issue  of the journal of liaoning university, 2010.10 .

 (10) gang shuge,"the survey report on the beijing's private business owners”,in dai jianzhong(ed)the report on the social development in china’s capital beijing.social sciences academic press(china),2007.

 (11)gang shuge,"the problems affecting the future development of beijing’s dibao system and the policy suggestions: the reference and reflection based on the international experiences on social assistance”, research paper.2007.

 (12)gang shuge,"the impact of the global financial crisis on the private economy and the policy suggestions”, research paper, 2009.4.

 (13)gang shuge, “improving policy,dealing with the challenges, promoting the sound development of private economy: the survey report on the current situation of the private enterprises in beijing”.co-authored research paper, 2009.1.

(14)gang shuge,"the impact of the global financial crisis on the private economy in liaoning province”, co-authored research paper, 2008.10.

(15)gang shuge:“the development of social security system in beijing”, in liu muyu(ed.)the study for beijing’s three decades of reform and opening up , beijing publishing house,2008.

(16)gang shuge,”the development of private economy and the new characteristics of private entrepreneurs in beijing” , co-authored research paper in dai jianzhong(eds) the report on the social development in beijig in 2008, social sciences academic press(china),2008.

(17)gang shuge,"the current situation,problems and countermeasures for the development of private economy in beijing”, co-authored research paper in meisong(eds) the report on the economic development in beijing(2008-2009), social sciences academic press(china),2009.

(18)gang shuge: “the report on the social security system in the backdrop of per capita gdp 10000 us dollar”, research paper.

























































































































































































































